5 Stretches for Flexibility That Provide Instant Relief

Do you feel stiff and sore? I want to tell you about some stretching exercises that will help you feel better. They might give relief from pain in your back, legs, or neck. We all want to be more flexible. Some stretches can make your body more flexible. But you can also do these stretches if you need instant relief. I am going to share five stretches with you that are easy to do at home. 

Most people don’t stretch, but it is a good practice. It is important to pay attention to our bodies and muscles. You might be hunching over your laptop more often these days because of the pandemic. So, if you move less, your flexibility will decrease and you may not be able to move as well.

stretches for flexibility, instant relief, flexibility, dancer, dancers body, yoga, stretching, muscle flexibility, stretches for pain relief, stretches for instant relief

Stretchy, stretchy! Let us talk about a few stretches for flexibility now!

  • Standing Hamstring Stretch: Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees a little bit. Put your hands by your side. Release your breath as you bend forward lowering your head to the ground. Wrap your arms around your legs and hold. You can do it for 45 seconds or two minutes. Stand up straight when you’re done.

    Do you know, this stretches your back, neck, glutes and hamstrings?  Here are some stretches you could include in your flexibility routine!

  • Lunge with Spinal Twist: This stretch is also known as the world’s Greatest Stretch. You start with keeping one foot ahead of the other, you should be in a staggered pose. Bend your leg and drop into a lunge, keeping your other leg straight behind you. Your toes should touch the ground. You will feel a stretch at the front of your thigh that is behind. Put your hand on the floor and turn your body to the left. Stretch out your arm to the ceiling. Repeat on the other side as well. Hold it for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

    This exercise stretches your quads and back. 

Let us read about a few more stretches for flexibility:

  • Butterfly stretch: Sit down and put your feet together. Put your knees out to the sides. Hold onto your ankles or feet. Then lower yourself as far as you can while pressing the knees against the floor. Be in this position for at least 30 seconds. You can go up to 2 minutes as well.

    This stretch for flexibility is good for your glutes, back, thighs and hips.

  • Side Bend Stretch: Kneel on the floor with your legs together. Be careful that you have your back straight and your stomach tight. Then move one leg out to the side so it is parallel to your body, not in front or behind you. To stretch, stand with your right arm out and your left arm on your leg. Bend to the left side and hold for 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Repeat on the other side.

    This stretch for flexibility is good for your hips and inner thigh.

  • Knee to Chest Stretch: Lie on your back with both legs extended. Pull your right knee into your chest and keep the left leg straight and the back of your head pressed against the floor. Hold for a short time- 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Repeat on the other side.

    This stretch is good for your hamstrings and lower back. 

Now that you know a few stretches to do on those days when your back is stiff or sore, why not try them out today? Start with one of the five exercises we’ve shared and see how it feels. If you want more information about these types of workouts or have any questions at all, just reach out! Our team would be happy to help make sure you are feeling better in no time.

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